Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dog Days in the Park Sept. 19, 2009

This was Dog Days in the Park

The 4th annual SACARC (which stands for Springfield Animal Care and Rescue Center) event.

The Gooberella booth selling our book, Angel in a Fur Coat, and the fur angel necklaces and magnets.

Xia and Augie hanging out.

This is a Bullinese. Cute huh? He's 1/2 Pekingese and 1/2 French Bulldog. How cool is that!

And then along came Sunny. You gotta love a Pug.

This one confused Augie...was he looking into a mirror?

Augie is still amazed!

And STILL can't believe his eyes!

This is the Godfather of all Pekes.

He was one big beautiful boy!

Augie took a dip in the pool...there was a line to jump in but Augie refused to get out.

Augie and Dad checking out the K9 Frisbee club.

(Turn around Augie, you're missing the show)

Augie boy left his mark in the park...

...was snagged by McGruff the crime dog...

...and blessed by a priest.

It was a fabulous day in the park...I hope it helped out the animals that were up for adoption that day.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dog Days in the Park

I will be there all day 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. signing my book, Angel in a Fur Coat. Hope to see you there...sounds like fun! Click on flyer to go to their website:

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